Building OUR Dream — by Steve

2015DREAM_MillerAs anyone who has been around Journey Church for more than just a few days knows, we are now property owners … proud deed holders to the building and piece of land at 366 South Lincoln Drive here in good ‘ole Troy MO. It’s still hard to believe some days, but we did it.

And as any one of the more than 200 people who attended our Open House at the property last Sunday can tell you, walking through that place and hearing our leaders lay out the dream God has laid on our hearts … well, it’s hard to avoid catching the vision. Many people were simply overwhelmed by the unexpected emotion they felt upon finishing the tour in the apartment that will become the Troy Dream Center. I know I was.

So if you weren’t able to attend the open house OR hear Jesse share about it from the stage OR see the boards we have put together that give a preview of what everything will look like, then consider this your personal invitation to come take a look. The Journey Staff has come up with a couple specific ways for you to see what is going on, to catch the vision and to be a part.

First, every Sunday between now and our Journey One service on May 31, there will be an information table (look for The 2015 DREAM banner) set up in the lobby. Come see the photo boards and ask questions. Morio Wray and I will be at the table, along with other leaders, and we’d love to talk with you about it.

And second, there is a new section on the Journey Church website where we will be posting regular updates on the work being done at OUR New Journey Home. Beginning next week, we are inviting you to come take a look ( , follow along with us and become a part of the dream.

It’s going to be a wild ride. And we are ALL going there together! You don’t want to miss being a part of this.


Friend Steve on Facebook or follow him on twitter @stevemiller31
Follow Journey Church on Twitter @Journey_MO

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