The Fear Factor — by Morio

FearFactor_WrayHave you ever come face to face with your greatest fear? No matter what it is — snakes, heights, spiders, darkness, tight spaces, PUBLIC SPEAKING — they can all leave us paralyzed if we succumb to that fear.

Over the last few weeks, I have come face to face with a fear that has haunted me as far back as grade school: public speaking. But this time was different; it wasn’t for a grade. It was to break down barriers, not only in the lives of those who would hear, but also in the life of the speaker!

I believe this particular fear was a barrier in my life that prevented me from moving forward into my purpose. But it wasn’t until I pushed through the fear and overcame the limitations I had placed on myself that I was able to realize this experience would change my life forever.

I still can’t properly articulate the feelings and raw emotions of that pivotal moment, but I can say that I am so grateful I did not allow that fear to hinder the progress God has been making in my life. I am also beyond blessed to have the support and encouragement of so many in this community. I could have never faced this alone. The encouragement I received empowered me to press on and chase after my dreams.

We all need those people in our lives that believe in us and push us to do our best, a community of friends and family that will live life with us. Truly, I encourage you to find those people in your own life. People who believe in you, people who speak truth into your life, people who will not allow you to turn and run when the going gets tough. People who will not only stand with you, but hold you up when you can’t stand on your own.

When you find these people, and couple them with power that you possess through the Holy Spirit, FEAR WILL NO LONGER BE A FACTOR


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